
Lithany, from Sweden, are plainly influenced by their fellow countrymen Meshuggah. Indeed both come from the Swedish town of Umeå. Reminiscent to System Of A Down at their most impenetrable and least operatic, Lithany is full of biting, angular riffs and distorted rotating time signatures. You know your in for a rough ride when the first track Mondegreen begins with what can only be described as the sound of someone playing a scratchy vinyl record while torturing a crow. If hyper-intellectual prog metal is your bag you won´t find much better than this. And if you get as far as track seven Spitoon (sic), you might even find a glimmer of enjoyment behind the cloak of torment. Oh, and fans of New Wave Of British Heavy Metal band Samson will be pleased to see a photo of a baby Thunderstick on the CD cover.
40,- NOK